Missy F1 Savannah Female

Missy beautiful f1 savannah kitten she is ready to go now.

Kindly send inquiry for more details about her and photos.

Priced: Contact


F2 Savannah kitten

Male Savannah Kitten
Male Savannah Kitten

Duncan  F2 savannah kitten she is ready to go now.

Kindly send inquiry for more details about her and photos.

Priced: Contact

F2 Female

Flora  F2 savannah kitten she is ready to go now.

Kindly send inquiry for more details about her and photos.

Priced: Contact

Price of Kittens

Savannah F1 Generation  Female


Savannah F1 Generation Male


Savannah F2


Savannah F3


African Serval Kitten


Ocelot Kitten


Caracal Kitten




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